Za angilaar bichex um bol jaaxan yadargatai, tiim uchraas bi mongoloor bichii shuu za uu? Sometimes I feel like it'd be easier to write this out in Mongolian because my spelling in English is going to pot! How has the week been? It's been an incredible week here in Mongolia, and this Thursday's the big one, 1 year out in the field! But Elder Richardson, a senior Elder who runs Deseret International Charities Mongolia and attends our Branch told me "You're just getting started." And I liked his approach! Elder Verdusco and I have also been in Khailaast now for 1 month and it's fun to recognize people in the neighborhoods, and continue to grow to love the people in this area. The only problem... English teaching, it's eating up too much missionary work with both of us teaching, so we are learning time management this transfer as we try to utilize the time we have to our advantage.
It's been in the 70's and maybe the low 80's this week, which isn't hot at all but after a Mongolian winter it feels a lot hotter... but it can't be as bad as Argentina right (comedic drum sounds)?? I loved hearing about the trip to Vegas, give Trey another congrats from me, I'm excited to see the pictures! I'm sending you all 2 rounds of photos today, 1 from my camera and the other from Elder Verdusco's. The pictures I'm sending in this email are of our new member, Uuriintsolmon.
These next pictures are of some service out in Khailaast = planting "potaters" at our less active members house! The mom kept stressing that we would get heat stroke (in 75 degrees... super hot day in Mongolia) and so she made us wear hats! I wasn't feeling the Crocodile Dundee look but my companion pulls in off nice ya?
45 And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I know of these things myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that these things whereof I have spoken are true. And how do ye suppose that I know of their surety?
46 Behold, I say unto you they are made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit of revelation which is in me.
If we remember, Alma was visited by an angel (chapter 27), but he says that through diligence in prayer and fasting, he received a witness of these things by the Spirit and then the words, "and this is the spirit of revelation which is in me." Then if we read Alma 17:2-3 it states:
2 Now these sons of Mosiah were with Alma at the time the angel first appeared unto him; therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God.
3 But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority of God.
Same thing, no? Then I want to share 1 more scripture, Revelations 19:10...
10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
I know that we can also have this power and authority in our teaching (whether on a mission or in our callings), and a testimony that leads us to do great things if we will follow the examples of Alma and others. I really was impressed by that this week and wanted to share it with you. I love you guys, have a great week!
Elder Jolley
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