Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Some Final Thoughts...

I'm writing this last email in my family's house, with a whole transfer under my belt as a transferred missionary. Now more than ever I've seen the truth in my mission presidents words, "You won't know the impact your missionary service had until long after your mission." Half of me feels like Mongolia was a surreal, out-of-body experience that has left me wishing I could go back. The other half knows that although my time being a full-time missionary in Mongolia has come to an end, I can build on the foundation that has been laid to make my life like my mission; and so these two ideas fight back and forth in my mind. So, this email is a running tab of realized blessings and an incomplete perspective on a life-changing start on the path of discipleship.

Right now I can't grasp the full impact of the last 2 years on my life, or the lives of those I was privileged to serve with- that understanding has been coming to me in small glimpses and promptings from the Spirit.

I do know that my mission has taught me the power of faith unto change and salvation only comes through giving of ourselves to Christ. I learned of sanctification as I saw the Atonement of Christ work in my life. I learned to love in ways that I never understood before my time in Mongolia. I learned that humility brings us spiritual strength and when we do what the Lord asks, He will always fulfill His promises. I learned to really pray to my Heavenly Father- and as I learned to pray in that way I began to learn from my prayers. I learned that no righteous purpose is impossible or unachievable to those who desire it and are willing to ask the Lord for help in accomplishing it. I saw that the work of the Lord is going forth boldly, nobly, and independently in Mongolia.

I do not understand why the Lord blessed me to go to Mongolia. It is a blessing I feel was and is far above me and I will be eternally grateful that I was able to serve among such a choice people. It is yet another testimony to me that our Heavenly Father lives, that His gospel is again restored to the earth, bringing salvation to all those who will come unto Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I found your blog. My son has been called to Mongolia and reports in September. He is taking English classes to teach, too. Your blog has helped our family be prepared and we are even more excited now. Reading your experiences has been awesome. Thank you.
