HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I'm happy to say that this is the last birthday that I'll have to say my happy birthdays over an email, and I was glad to hear that you still had a great day amidst all the moving craziness. I love seeing all of your views of this move, I've seen as our family has trusted in our Heavenly Father all of your letters have become more positive, hopeful, and resolved. The Lord gives us amazing opportunities to change and draw closer to him and as a family, each one of us are having those experiences now. I love it!
This week has been busy. Elder Quinton and I headed out Tuesday at 5 to Baganuur for companionship exchanges. As the zone leader each transfer I will have the opportunity to do at least one companionship exchange with every district leader in the zone. In the Bayanzurkh zone their are 4 districts covering 6 different wards or branches, half of the zone serves in the UB West Stake and the remaining districts are part of the UB East District and a total of 26 missionaries. Baganuur is the farthest district out, 2 hours away by car and so doing companionship exchanges with the Elders there is a trip! Before I've always traveled in the mission vehicles and it felt really cool buying a ticket, loading up and hopping on a Korean "greyhound." Both the trip and the exchange went really well. The district leader in Baganuur, Elder Batdul, is serving with a temporary companion (everyone in Mongolia calls them "mini-missions") named Elder Ganshagai, a new member who has submitted his missionary papers. We arrived on Tuesday night and met up with the other Elders and got to work! The 4 of us went and visited a new member and her family before returning home and planning our temporary companionship's work for the next day. Elder Quinton taught English the next day at 5:30 and so we worked until 2:30, caught the 3:00 bus and we're in town at 5:15. It was a very quick day! I loved the opportunity to go out with Elder Batdul and learn more about the area and the district. This week companionship exchanges will be in the city so Elder Quinton will be able to stay in Selbe and work and then I will be going on Wednesday to Bayanzurkh to exchange with Elder Verdusco.
So Elder Quinton is back on his feet, going strong, and we've grown a lot as a companionship this week! Every time you get with a new companion you re-learn how to do the work in this new combination. Elder Quinton and I both have really strong personalities! So this makes the process really good for the both of us. Because of the companionship exchanges and English our work was slower this week until Saturday came around. English is just part of my assignment here and I've been learning a lot since being companions with Elder Neuberger about making it another side of my missionary service, really finding joy in it. I especially loved Church this week. I was really missing that "charge" that I get from the sacrament and church this week. Truly "the Sabbath Day was made for man" and for our blessing. We do find real joy in this life as we align our will with the will of our Heavenly Father. I feel that everyday on my mission and it has changed my view of what this Gospel means to me and the role it must have in my life. And then to bring that Gospel to others, to work to have the Spirit and convince all men that "Jesus is the very Christ" is such an incredible role and responsibility that we all have!
Love, Elder Jolley
P.S. I included 2 pictures. one is of the new member we met with, and the other is one that Elder Quinton shot on Saturday (it was really cold that day!), it doesn't turn out as clear in the picture but I had a sweet ice run up my hat.