Happy Naadam! We're right in the middle of the biggest holiday here in Mongolia and so all the internet centers are closed! So we saw this one up and wanted to say we're all alive and well, but that means we've got no time for a good email today. We had a little bit of Naadam celebration as a Preparation Day activity, but other than that we're trying to keep this week as normal as possible as far as the work goes.
Monday we went about 45 minutes out of the city and had a Mongolian kharkhag- where you cook a sheep inside a metal can with hot rocks (check out my picture), a great day with all the missionaries. I'll explain more next week because of time, but the pictures I sent should help.
The work is great. Elder Verdusco has had a lot of great experiences this last couple of weeks with the new family that we found (Brother Nergui and his family), and Nergui and his son have committed to be baptized on the 12th of August! The end of July will mark 3 months since Elder Verdusco and I became companions and so he may be getting a new companion in this next couple of weeks, but man I'm grateful to be his trainer! He's an awesome missionary and has come miles in the last few months. I'm grateful for a great family, for your faith and zeal for the Gospel! Hebrews 10:35-38.
Elder Jolley
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